16 more adaptive learning quizzes added

Posted November 10, 2016

We've added 16 more self-study quizzes for students to the Noba website. These quiz items are coordinated with, though not the same as, the Noba test bank items available only to verified instructors. Students can find the quizzes directly after the main content of the online learning modules and can return to them as often as they like for review. Review sessions will emphasize items that individual learners have missed in previous sessions.

If you'd like to assign any of the available online-adaptive quizzes to your students and track their progress and performance we'd be happy to create a dashboard for you that lets you easily monitor what’s going on whether you’re teaching a single course section or many. Simply follow this link and fill out a dashboard request form.

The new adaptive quizzes can be found in these modules-

  1. Creativity
  2. Multimodal Perception
  3. Sensation and Perception
  4. History of Psychology
  5. The Replication Crisis
  6. Emotional Intelligence
  7. Hormones and Behavior
  8. Social Anxiety
  9. Psychopathy
  10. History of Mental Illness
  11. Dissociative Disorders
  12. Adolescent Development
  13. Emerging Adulthood
  14. The Developing Parent
  15. Categories and Concepts
  16. Neurons