- Ablation
- Surgical removal of brain tissue.
- Action potential
- A transient all-or-nothing electrical current that is conducted down the axon when the membrane potential reaches the threshold of excitation.
- Adaptation
- The fact that after people first react to good or bad events, sometimes in a strong way, their feelings and reactions tend to dampen down over time and they return toward their original level of subjective well-being.
- Adaptations
- Evolved solutions to problems that historically contributed to reproductive success.
- Adoption study
- A behavior genetic research method that involves comparison of adopted children to their adoptive and biological parents.
- Age identity
- How old or young people feel compared to their chronological age; after early adulthood, most people feel younger than their chronological age.
- Agender
- An individual who may have no gender or may describe themselves as having a neutral gender.
- Agoraphobia
- A sort of anxiety disorder distinguished by feelings that a place is uncomfortable or may be unsafe because it is significantly open or crowded.
- Ambivalent sexism
- A concept of gender attitudes that encompasses both positive and negative qualities.
- Ambulatory assessment
- An overarching term to describe methodologies that assess the behavior, physiology, experience, and environments of humans in naturalistic settings.
- Anchoring
- The bias to be affected by an initial anchor, even if the anchor is arbitrary, and to insufficiently adjust our judgments away from that anchor.
- Animism
- The belief that everyone and everything had a “soul” and that mental illness was due to animistic causes, for example, evil spirits controlling an individual and his/her behavior.
- Anxiety
- A mood state characterized by negative affect, muscle tension, and physical arousal in which a person apprehensively anticipates future danger or misfortune.
- Asylum
- A place of refuge or safety established to confine and care for the mentally ill; forerunners of the mental hospital or psychiatric facility.
- Attachment behavioral system
- A motivational system selected over the course of evolution to maintain proximity between a young child and his or her primary attachment figure.
- Attachment behaviors
- Behaviors and signals that attract the attention of a primary attachment figure and function to prevent separation from that individual or to reestablish proximity to that individual (e.g., crying, clinging).
- Attachment figure
- Someone who functions as the primary safe haven and secure base for an individual. In childhood, an individual’s attachment figure is often a parent. In adulthood, an individual’s attachment figure is often a romantic partner.
- Attachment patterns
- (also called “attachment styles” or “attachment orientations”) Individual differences in how securely (vs. insecurely) people think, feel, and behave in attachment relationships.
- Audience design
- Constructing utterances to suit the audience’s knowledge.
- Autobiographical memory
- Memory for the events of one’s life.
- Autobiographical narratives
- A qualitative research method used to understand characteristics and life themes that an individual considers to uniquely distinguish him- or herself from others.
- Automatic empathy
- A social perceiver unwittingly taking on the internal state of another person, usually because of mimicking the person’s expressive behavior and thereby feeling the expressed emotion.
- Average life expectancy
- Mean number of years that 50% of people in a specific birth cohort are expected to survive. This is typically calculated from birth but is also sometimes re-calculated for people who have already reached a particular age (e.g., 65).
- Awareness
- A conscious experience or the capability of having conscious experiences, which is distinct from self-awareness, the conscious understanding of one’s own existence and individuality.
- Axial plane
- See “horizontal plane.”
- Axon
- Part of the neuron that extends off the soma, splitting several times to connect with other neurons; main output of the neuron.
- Balancing between goals
- Shifting between a focal goal and other goals or temptations by putting less effort into the focal goal—usually with the intention of coming back to the focal goal at a later point in time.
- Basal ganglia
- Subcortical structures of the cerebral hemispheres involved in voluntary movement.
- Behavioral genetics
- The empirical science of how genes and environments combine to generate behavior.
- Behaviorism
- The study of behavior.
- Benevolent sexism
- The “positive” element of ambivalent sexism, which recognizes that women are perceived as needing to be protected, supported, and adored by men.
- Biases
- The systematic and predictable mistakes that influence the judgment of even very talented human beings.
- Big-C Creativity
- Creative ideas that have an impact well beyond the everyday life of home or work. At the highest level, this kind of creativity is that of the creative genius.
- Bigender
- An individual who identifies as two genders.
- Binary
- The idea that gender has two separate and distinct categories (male and female) and that a person must be either one or the other.
- Biological vulnerability
- A specific genetic and neurobiological factor that might predispose someone to develop anxiety disorders.
- A model in which the interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors is seen as influencing the development of the individual.
- Blocking
- In classical conditioning, the finding that no conditioning occurs to a stimulus if it is combined with a previously conditioned stimulus during conditioning trials. Suggests that information, surprise value, or prediction error is important in conditioning.
- “Bottom-up” or external causes of happiness
- Situational factors outside the person that influence his or her subjective well-being, such as good and bad events and circumstances such as health and wealth.
- Bounded awareness
- The systematic ways in which we fail to notice obvious and important information that is available to us.
- Bounded ethicality
- The systematic ways in which our ethics are limited in ways we are not even aware of ourselves.
- Bounded rationality
- Model of human behavior that suggests that humans try to make rational decisions but are bounded due to cognitive limitations.
- Bounded self-interest
- The systematic and predictable ways in which we care about the outcomes of others.
- Bounded willpower
- The tendency to place greater weight on present concerns rather than future concerns.
- Brain stem
- The “trunk” of the brain comprised of the medulla, pons, midbrain, and diencephalon.
- Callosotomy
- Surgical procedure in which the corpus callosum is severed (used to control severe epilepsy).
- Case study
- A thorough study of a patient (or a few patients) with naturally occurring lesions.
- Categorize
- To sort or arrange different items into classes or categories.
- Cathartic method
- A therapeutic procedure introduced by Breuer and developed further by Freud in the late 19th century whereby a patient gains insight and emotional relief from recalling and reliving traumatic events.
- Cell membrane
- A bi-lipid layer of molecules that separates the cell from the surrounding extracellular fluid.
- Cerebellum
- The distinctive structure at the back of the brain, Latin for “small brain.”
- Cerebral cortex
- The outermost gray matter of the cerebrum; the distinctive convoluti characteristic of the mammalian brain.
- Cerebral hemispheres
- The cerebral cortex, underlying white matter, and subcortical structures.
- Cerebrum
- Usually refers to the cerebral cortex and associated white matter, but in some texts includes the subcortical structures.
- Cisgender
- A term used to describe individuals whose gender matches their biological sex.
- Classical conditioning
- The procedure in which an initially neutral stimulus (the conditioned stimulus, or CS) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (or US). The result is that the conditioned stimulus begins to elicit a conditioned response (CR). Classical conditioning is nowadays considered important as both a behavioral phenomenon and as a method to study simple associative learning. Same as Pavlovian conditioning.
- Cognitive psychology
- The study of mental processes.
- Cohort
- Group of people typically born in the same year or historical period, who share common experiences over time; sometimes called a generation (e.g., Baby Boom Generation).
- Collective efficacy
- The shared beliefs among members of a group about the group’s ability to effectively perform the tasks needed to attain a valued goal.
- Collectivism
- Belief system that emphasizes the duties and obligations that each person has toward others.
- Commitment
- The sense that a goal is both valuable and attainable
- Common ground
- Information that is shared by people who engage in a conversation.
- Conditioned compensatory response
- In classical conditioning, a conditioned response that opposes, rather than is the same as, the unconditioned response. It functions to reduce the strength of the unconditioned response. Often seen in conditioning when drugs are used as unconditioned stimuli.
- Conditioned response
- A learned reaction following classical conditioning, or the process by which an event that automatically elicits a response is repeatedly paired with another neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus), resulting in the ability of the neutral stimulus to elicit the same response on its own.
- Conditioned response (CR)
- The response that is elicited by the conditioned stimulus after classical conditioning has taken place.
- Conditioned stimulus (CS)
- An initially neutral stimulus (like a bell, light, or tone) that elicits a conditioned response after it has been associated with an unconditioned stimulus.
- Conscious experience
- The first-person perspective of a mental event, such as feeling some sensory input, a memory, an idea, an emotion, a mood, or a continuous temporal sequence of happenings.
- Conscious goal activation
- When a person is fully aware of contextual influences and resulting goal-directed behavior.
- Consciousness
- Awareness of ourselves and our environment.
- Consolidation
- The process occurring after encoding that is believed to stabilize memory traces.
- Contemplative science
- A research area concerned with understanding how contemplative practices such as meditation can affect individuals, including changes in their behavior, their emotional reactivity, their cognitive abilities, and their brains. Contemplative science also seeks insights into conscious experience that can be gained from first-person observations by individuals who have gained extraordinary expertise in introspection.
- Context
- Stimuli that are in the background whenever learning occurs. For instance, the Skinner box or room in which learning takes place is the classic example of a context. However, “context” can also be provided by internal stimuli, such as the sensory effects of drugs (e.g., being under the influence of alcohol has stimulus properties that provide a context) and mood states (e.g., being happy or sad). It can also be provided by a specific period in time—the passage of time is sometimes said to change the “temporal context.”
- Contralateral
- Literally “opposite side”; used to refer to the fact that the two hemispheres of the brain process sensory information and motor commands for the opposite side of the body (e.g., the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body).
- Convergent thinking
- The opposite of divergent thinking, the capacity to narrow in on the single “correct” answer or solution to a given question or problem (e.g., giving the right response on an intelligence tests).
- Converging evidence
- Similar findings reported from multiple studies using different methods.
- Theory that proposes that the frequency, types, and reciprocity of social exchanges change with age. These social exchanges impact the health and well-being of the givers and receivers in the convoy.
- Coronal plane
- A slice that runs from head to foot; brain slices in this plane are similar to slices of a loaf of bread, with the eyes being the front of the loaf.
- Cross-sectional studies
- Research method that provides information about age group differences; age differences are confounded with cohort differences and effects related to history and time of study.
- Crystallized intelligence
- Type of intellectual ability that relies on the application of knowledge, experience, and learned information.
- Cue overload principle
- The principle stating that the more memories that are associated to a particular retrieval cue, the less effective the cue will be in prompting retrieval of any one memory.
- Cultural display rules
- These are rules that are learned early in life that specify the management and modification of emotional expressions according to social circumstances. Cultural display rules can work in a number of different ways. For example, they can require individuals to express emotions “as is” (i.e., as they feel them), to exaggerate their expressions to show more than what is actually felt, to tone down their expressions to show less than what is actually felt, to conceal their feelings by expressing something else, or to show nothing at all.
- Cultural relativism
- The idea that cultural norms and values of a society can only be understood on their own terms or in their own context.
- Daily Diary method
- A methodology where participants complete a questionnaire about their thoughts, feelings, and behavior of the day at the end of the day.
- Day reconstruction method (DRM)
- A methodology where participants describe their experiences and behavior of a given day retrospectively upon a systematic reconstruction on the following day.
- Deliberative phase
- The first of the two basic stages of self-regulation in which individuals decide which of many potential goals to pursue at a given point in time.
- Dendrite
- Part of a neuron that extends away from the cell body and is the main input to the neuron.
- Developmental intergroup theory
- A theory that postulates that adults’ focus on gender leads children to pay attention to gender as a key source of information about themselves and others, to seek out possible gender differences, and to form rigid stereotypes based on gender.
- Diffuse optical imaging (DOI)
- A neuroimaging technique that infers brain activity by measuring changes in light as it is passed through the skull and surface of the brain.
- Diffusion
- The force on molecules to move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.
- Discriminative stimulus
- In operant conditioning, a stimulus that signals whether the response will be reinforced. It is said to “set the occasion” for the operant response.
- Distinctiveness
- The principle that unusual events (in a context of similar events) will be recalled and recognized better than uniform (nondistinctive) events.
- Divergent thinking
- The opposite of convergent thinking, the capacity for exploring multiple potential answers or solutions to a given question or problem (e.g., coming up with many different uses for a common object).
- Drive state
- Affective experiences that motivate organisms to fulfill goals that are generally beneficial to their survival and reproduction.
- Ecological momentary assessment
- An overarching term to describe methodologies that repeatedly sample participants’ real-world experiences, behavior, and physiology in real time.
- Ecological validity
- The degree to which a study finding has been obtained under conditions that are typical for what happens in everyday life.
- Ego-depletion
- The exhaustion of physiological and/or psychological resources following the completion of effortful self-control tasks, which subsequently leads to reduction in the capacity to exert more self-control.
- Electroencephalography (EEG)
- A neuroimaging technique that measures electrical brain activity via multiple electrodes on the scalp.
- Electronically activated recorder, or EAR
- A methodology where participants wear a small, portable audio recorder that intermittently records snippets of ambient sounds around them.
- Electrostatic pressure
- The force on two ions with similar charge to repel each other; the force of two ions with opposite charge to attract to one another.
- Emerging adulthood
- A new life stage extending from approximately ages 18 to 25, during which the foundation of an adult life is gradually constructed in love and work. Primary features include identity explorations, instability, focus on self-development, feeling incompletely adult, and a broad sense of possibilities.
- Empirical methods
- Approaches to inquiry that are tied to actual measurement and observation.
- Empiricism
- The belief that knowledge comes from experience.
- Encoding
- The initial experience of perceiving and learning events.
- Encoding specificity principle
- The hypothesis that a retrieval cue will be effective to the extent that information encoded from the cue overlaps or matches information in the engram or memory trace.
- Endophenotypes
- A characteristic that reflects a genetic liability for disease and a more basic component of a complex clinical presentation. Endophenotypes are less developmentally malleable than overt behavior.
- Engrams
- A term indicating the change in the nervous system representing an event; also, memory trace.
- Epigenetics
- Heritable changes in gene activity that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epigenetics
- Episodic memory
- Memory for events in a particular time and place.
- Error management theory (EMT)
- A theory of selection under conditions of uncertainty in which recurrent cost asymmetries of judgment or inference favor the evolution of adaptive cognitive biases that function to minimize the more costly errors.
- Ethics
- Professional guidelines that offer researchers a template for making decisions that protect research participants from potential harm and that help steer scientists away from conflicts of interest or other situations that might compromise the integrity of their research.
- Etiology
- The causal description of all of the factors that contribute to the development of a disorder or illness.
- Eugenics
- The practice of selective breeding to promote desired traits.
- Measures the firing of groups of neurons in the cortex. As a person views or listens to specific types of information, neuronal activity creates small electrical currents that can be recorded from non-invasive sensors placed on the scalp. ERP provides excellent information about the timing of processing, clarifying brain activity at the millisecond pace at which it unfolds.
- Evolution
- Change over time. Is the definition changing?
- Excitatory postsynaptic potentials
- A depolarizing postsynaptic current that causes the membrane potential to become more positive and move towards the threshold of excitation.
- Experience-sampling method
- A methodology where participants report on their momentary thoughts, feelings, and behaviors at different points in time over the course of a day.
- External cues
- Stimuli in the outside world that serve as triggers for anxiety or as reminders of past traumatic events.
- External validity
- The degree to which a finding generalizes from the specific sample and context of a study to some larger population and broader settings.
- Extinction
- Decrease in the strength of a learned behavior that occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented without the unconditioned stimulus (in classical conditioning) or when the behavior is no longer reinforced (in instrumental conditioning). The term describes both the procedure (the US or reinforcer is no longer presented) as well as the result of the procedure (the learned response declines). Behaviors that have been reduced in strength through extinction are said to be “extinguished.”
- Extrinsic motivation
- Motivation stemming from the benefits associated with achieving a goal such as obtaining a monetary reward.
- False-belief test
- An experimental procedure that assesses whether a perceiver recognizes that another person has a false belief—a belief that contradicts reality.
- Fear conditioning
- A type of classical or Pavlovian conditioning in which the conditioned stimulus (CS) is associated with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US), such as a foot shock. As a consequence of learning, the CS comes to evoke fear. The phenomenon is thought to be involved in the development of anxiety disorders in humans.
- Fight or flight response
- A biological reaction to alarming stressors that prepares the body to resist or escape a threat.
- First-person perspective
- Observations made by individuals about their own conscious experiences, also known as introspection or a subjective point of view. Phenomenology refers to the description and investigation of such observations.
- Flashback
- Sudden, intense re-experiencing of a previous event, usually trauma-related.
- Flashbulb memory
- A highly detailed and vivid memory of an emotionally significant event.
- Flashbulb memory
- Vivid personal memories of receiving the news of some momentous (and usually emotional) event.
- Fluid intelligence
- Type of intelligence that relies on the ability to use information processing resources to reason logically and solve novel problems.
- Folk explanations of behavior
- People’s natural explanations for why somebody did something, felt something, etc. (differing substantially for unintentional and intentional behaviors).
- Framing
- The bias to be systematically affected by the way in which information is presented, while holding the objective information constant.
- Frontal lobe
- The front most (anterior) part of the cerebrum; anterior to the central sulcus and responsible for motor output and planning, language, judgment, and decision-making.
- Full-cycle psychology
- A scientific approach whereby researchers start with an observational field study to identify an effect in the real world, follow up with laboratory experimentation to verify the effect and isolate the causal mechanisms, and return to field research to corroborate their experimental findings.
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
- Entails the use of powerful magnets to measure the levels of oxygen within the brain that vary with changes in neural activity. That is, as the neurons in specific brain regions “work harder” when performing a specific task, they require more oxygen. By having people listen to or view social percepts in an MRI scanner, fMRI specifies the brain regions that evidence a relative increase in blood flow. In this way, fMRI provides excellent spatial information, pinpointing with millimeter accuracy, the brain regions most critical for different social processes.
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI): A neuroimaging technique that infers brain activity by measuring changes in oxygen levels in the blood.
- Functionalism
- A school of American psychology that focused on the utility of consciousness.
- G
- Short for “general factor” and is often used to be synonymous with intelligence itself.
- Gender
- The cultural, social, and psychological meanings that are associated with masculinity and femininity.
- Gender constancy
- The awareness that gender is constant and does not change simply by changing external attributes; develops between 3 and 6 years of age.
- Gender discrimination
- Differential treatment on the basis of gender.
- Gender identity
- A person’s psychological sense of being male or female.
- Gender roles
- The behaviors, attitudes, and personality traits that are designated as either masculine or feminine in a given culture.
- Gender schema theory
- This theory of how children form their own gender roles argues that children actively organize others’ behavior, activities, and attributes into gender categories or schemas.
- Gender stereotypes
- The beliefs and expectations people hold about the typical characteristics, preferences, and behaviors of men and women.
- Genderfluid
- An individual who may identify as male, female, both, or neither at different times and in different circumstances.
- Genderqueer or gender nonbinary
- An umbrella term used to describe a wide range of individuals who do not identify with and/or conform to the gender binary.
- Gene Selection Theory
- The modern theory of evolution by selection by which differential gene replication is the defining process of evolutionary change.
- Generalize
- Generalizing, in science, refers to the ability to arrive at broad conclusions based on a smaller sample of observations. For these conclusions to be true the sample should accurately represent the larger population from which it is drawn.
- Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
- Excessive worry about everyday things that is at a level that is out of proportion to the specific causes of worry.
- Gestalt psychology
- An attempt to study the unity of experience.
- Global subjective well-being
- Individuals’ perceptions of and satisfaction with their lives as a whole.
- Goal
- The cognitive representation of a desired state (outcome).
- Goal-directed behavior
- Instrumental behavior that is influenced by the animal’s knowledge of the association between the behavior and its consequence and the current value of the consequence. Sensitive to the reinforcer devaluation effect.
- Gray matter
- The outer grayish regions of the brain comprised of the neurons’ cell bodies.
- Gyri
- (plural) Folds between sulci in the cortex.
- Gyrus
- A fold between sulci in the cortex.
- Habit
- Instrumental behavior that occurs automatically in the presence of a stimulus and is no longer influenced by the animal’s knowledge of the value of the reinforcer. Insensitive to the reinforcer devaluation effect.
- Happiness
- The popular word for subjective well-being. Scientists sometimes avoid using this term because it can refer to different things, such as feeling good, being satisfied, or even the causes of high subjective well-being.
- Hedonic well-being
- Component of well-being that refers to emotional experiences, often including measures of positive (e.g., happiness, contentment) and negative affect (e.g., stress, sadness).
- Heritability coefficient
- An easily misinterpreted statistical construct that purports to measure the role of genetics in the explanation of differences among individuals.
- Heterogeneity
- Inter-individual and subgroup differences in level and rate of change over time.
- Heuristics
- cognitive (or thinking) strategies that simplify decision making by using mental short-cuts
- Highlighting a goal
- Prioritizing a focal goal over other goals or temptations by putting more effort into the focal goal.
- Homeostasis
- The tendency of an organism to maintain a stable state across all the different physiological systems in the body.
- Homeostatic set point
- An ideal level that the system being regulated must be monitored and compared to.
- Horizontal plane
- A slice that runs horizontally through a standing person (i.e., parallel to the floor); slices of brain in this plane divide the top and bottom parts of the brain; this plane is similar to slicing a hamburger bun.
- Hostile sexism
- The negative element of ambivalent sexism, which includes the attitudes that women are inferior and incompetent relative to men.
- Humorism (or humoralism)
- A belief held by ancient Greek and Roman physicians (and until the 19th century) that an excess or deficiency in any of the four bodily fluids, or humors—blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm—directly affected their health and temperament.
- Hypothalamus
- A portion of the brain involved in a variety of functions, including the secretion of various hormones and the regulation of hunger and sexual arousal.
- Hypotheses
- A logical idea that can be tested.
- Hysteria
- Term used by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians to describe a disorder believed to be caused by a woman’s uterus wandering throughout the body and interfering with other organs (today referred to as conversion disorder, in which psychological problems are expressed in physical form).
- Imaginal performances
- When imagining yourself doing well increases self-efficacy.
- Implemental phase
- The second of the two basic stages of self-regulation in which individuals plan specific actions related to their selected goal.
- Individual differences
- Ways in which people differ in terms of their behavior, emotion, cognition, and development.
- Individualism
- Belief system that exalts freedom, independence, and individual choice as high values.
- Industrialized countries
- The economically advanced countries of the world, in which most of the world’s wealth is concentrated.
- Ingroup
- Group to which a person belongs.
- Inhibitory functioning
- Ability to focus on a subset of information while suppressing attention to less relevant information.
- Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
- A hyperpolarizing postsynaptic current that causes the membrane potential to become more negative and move away from the threshold of excitation.
- Instrumental conditioning
- Process in which animals learn about the relationship between their behaviors and their consequences. Also known as operant conditioning.
- Intelligence
- An individual’s cognitive capability. This includes the ability to acquire, process, recall and apply information.
- Intention
- An agent’s mental state of committing to perform an action that the agent believes will bring about a desired outcome.
- Intentionality
- The quality of an agent’s performing a behavior intentionally—that is, with skill and awareness and executing an intention (which is in turn based on a desire and relevant beliefs).
- Internal bodily or somatic cues
- Physical sensations that serve as triggers for anxiety or as reminders of past traumatic events.
- Internal validity
- The degree to which a cause-effect relationship between two variables has been unambiguously established.
- Interoceptive avoidance
- Avoidance of situations or activities that produce sensations of physical arousal similar to those occurring during a panic attack or intense fear response.
- Interpersonal
- This refers to the relationship or interaction between two or more individuals in a group. Thus, the interpersonal functions of emotion refer to the effects of one’s emotion on others, or to the relationship between oneself and others.
- Intersexual selection
- A process of sexual selection by which evolution (change) occurs as a consequences of the mate preferences of one sex exerting selection pressure on members of the opposite sex.
- Intra- and inter-individual differences
- Different patterns of development observed within an individual (intra-) or between individuals (inter-).
- Intrapersonal
- This refers to what occurs within oneself. Thus, the intrapersonal functions of emotion refer to the effects of emotion to individuals that occur physically inside their bodies and psychologically inside their minds.
- Intrasexual competition
- A process of sexual selection by which members of one sex compete with each other, and the victors gain preferential mating access to members of the opposite sex.
- Intrinsic motivation
- Motivation stemming from the benefits associated with the process of pursuing a goal such as having a fulfilling experience.
- Introspection
- A method of focusing on internal processes.
- Ion channels
- Proteins that span the cell membrane, forming channels that specific ions can flow through between the intracellular and extracellular space.
- Ionotropic receptor
- Ion channel that opens to allow ions to permeate the cell membrane under specific conditions, such as the presence of a neurotransmitter or a specific membrane potential.
- IQ
- Short for “intelligence quotient.” This is a score, typically obtained from a widely used measure of intelligence that is meant to rank a person’s intellectual ability against that of others.
- Joint attention
- Two people attending to the same object and being aware that they both are attending to it.
- Latent inhibition
- The ability to filter out extraneous stimuli, concentrating only on the information that is deemed relevant. Reduced latent inhibition is associated with higher creativity.
- Lateralized
- To the side; used to refer to the fact that specific functions may reside primarily in one hemisphere or the other (e.g., for the majority individuals, the left hemisphere is most responsible for language).
- Law of effect
- The idea that instrumental or operant responses are influenced by their effects. Responses that are followed by a pleasant state of affairs will be strengthened and those that are followed by discomfort will be weakened. Nowadays, the term refers to the idea that operant or instrumental behaviors are lawfully controlled by their consequences.
- Lesion
- A region in the brain that suffered damage through injury, disease, or medical intervention.
- Lexicon
- Words and expressions.
- Life course theories
- Theory of development that highlights the effects of social expectations of age-related life events and social roles; additionally considers the lifelong cumulative effects of membership in specific cohorts and sociocultural subgroups and exposure to historical events.
- Life satisfaction
- A person reflects on their life and judges to what degree it is going well, by whatever standards that person thinks are most important for a good life.
- Life span theories
- Theory of development that emphasizes the patterning of lifelong within- and between-person differences in the shape, level, and rate of change trajectories.
- Limbic system
- Includes the subcortical structures of the amygdala and hippocampal formation as well as some cortical structures; responsible for aversion and gratification.
- Linguistic inquiry and word count
- A quantitative text analysis methodology that automatically extracts grammatical and psychological information from a text by counting word frequencies.
- Linguistic intergroup bias
- A tendency for people to characterize positive things about their ingroup using more abstract expressions, but negative things about their outgroups using more abstract expressions.
- Little-c creativity
- Creative ideas that appear at the personal level, whether the home or the workplace. Such creativity needs not have a larger impact to be considered creative.
- Lived day analysis
- A methodology where a research team follows an individual around with a video camera to objectively document a person’s daily life as it is lived.
- Longitudinal studies
- Research method that collects information from individuals at multiple time points over time, allowing researchers to track cohort differences in age-related change to determine cumulative effects of different life experiences.
- Lordosis
- A physical sexual posture in females that serves as an invitation to mate.
- Maladaptive
- Term referring to behaviors that cause people who have them physical or emotional harm, prevent them from functioning in daily life, and/or indicate that they have lost touch with reality and/or cannot control their thoughts and behavior (also called dysfunctional).
- Memory traces
- A term indicating the change in the nervous system representing an event.
- Mesmerism
- Derived from Franz Anton Mesmer in the late 18th century, an early version of hypnotism in which Mesmer claimed that hysterical symptoms could be treated through animal magnetism emanating from Mesmer’s body and permeating the universe (and later through magnets); later explained in terms of high suggestibility in individuals.
- Metabolite
- A substance necessary for a living organism to maintain life.
- Mimicry
- Copying others’ behavior, usually without awareness.
- Mirror neurons
- Neurons identified in monkey brains that fire both when the monkey performs a certain action and when it perceives another agent performing that action.
- Misinformation effect
- When erroneous information occurring after an event is remembered as having been part of the original event.
- Mnemonic devices
- A strategy for remembering large amounts of information, usually involving imaging events occurring on a journey or with some other set of memorized cues.
- Motivation
- The psychological driving force that enables action in the course of goal pursuit.
- Motor cortex
- Region of the frontal lobe responsible for voluntary movement; the motor cortex has a contralateral representation of the human body.
- Multicultural experiences
- Individual exposure to two or more cultures, such as obtained by living abroad, emigrating to another country, or working or going to school in a culturally diverse setting.
- Myelin
- Fatty tissue, produced by glial cells (see module, “Neurons”) that insulates the axons of the neurons; myelin is necessary for normal conduction of electrical impulses among neurons.
- Myelin sheath
- Substance around the axon of a neuron that serves as insulation to allow the action potential to conduct rapidly toward the terminal buttons.
- Natural selection
- Differential reproductive success as a consequence of differences in heritable attributes.
- Negative feelings
- Undesirable and unpleasant feelings that people tend to avoid if they can. Moods and emotions such as depression, anger, and worry are examples.
- Neural impulse
- An electro-chemical signal that enables neurons to communicate.
- Neurotransmitters
- Chemical substance released by the presynaptic terminal button that acts on the postsynaptic cell.
- Nomenclature
- Naming conventions.
- Nonconscious goal activation
- When activation occurs outside a person’s awareness, such that the person is unaware of the reasons behind her goal-directed thoughts and behaviors.
- Non-industrialized countries
- The less economically advanced countries that comprise the majority of the world’s population. Most are currently developing at a rapid rate.
- Norm
- Assessments are given to a representative sample of a population to determine the range of scores for that population. These “norms” are then used to place an individual who takes that assessment on a range of scores in which he or she is compared to the population at large.
- Nucleus
- Collection of nerve cells found in the brain which typically serve a specific function.
- Observational learning
- Learning by observing the behavior of others.
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- A disorder characterized by the desire to engage in certain behaviors excessively or compulsively in hopes of reducing anxiety. Behaviors include things such as cleaning, repeatedly opening and closing doors, hoarding, and obsessing over certain thoughts.
- Occipital lobe
- The back most (posterior) part of the cerebrum; involved in vision.
- OECD countries
- Members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, comprised of the world’s wealthiest countries.
- Openness to experience
- One of the factors of the Big Five Model of personality, the factor assesses the degree that a person is open to different or new values, interests, and activities.
- Operant
- A behavior that is controlled by its consequences. The simplest example is the rat’s lever-pressing, which is controlled by the presentation of the reinforcer.
- Operant conditioning
- See instrumental conditioning.
- Originality
- When an idea or solution has a low probability of occurrence.
- Outgroup
- Group to which a person does not belong.
- Overconfident
- The bias to have greater confidence in your judgment than is warranted based on a rational assessment.
- Oxytocin
- A nine amino acid mammalian neuropeptide. Oxytocin is synthesized primarily in the brain, but also in other tissues such as uterus, heart and thymus, with local effects. Oxytocin is best known as a hormone of female reproduction due to its capacity to cause uterine contractions and eject milk. Oxytocin has effects on brain tissue, but also acts throughout the body in some cases as an antioxidant or anti-inflammatory.
- Panic disorder (PD)
- A condition marked by regular strong panic attacks, and which may include significant levels of worry about future attacks.
- Parietal lobe
- The part of the cerebrum between the frontal and occipital lobes; involved in bodily sensations, visual attention, and integrating the senses.
- Pavlovian conditioning
- See classical conditioning.
- Performance experiences
- When past successes or failures lead to changes in self-efficacy.
- Phrenology
- A now-discredited field of brain study, popular in the first half of the 19th century that correlated bumps and indentations of the skull with specific functions of the brain.
- Positive feelings
- Desirable and pleasant feelings. Moods and emotions such as enjoyment and love are examples.
- Positron emission tomography (PET)
- A neuroimaging technique that measures brain activity by detecting the presence of a radioactive substance in the brain that is initially injected into the bloodstream and then pulled in by active brain tissue.
- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- A sense of intense fear, triggered by memories of a past traumatic event, that another traumatic event might occur. PTSD may include feelings of isolation and emotional numbing.
- Practitioner-Scholar Model
- A model of training of professional psychologists that emphasizes clinical practice.
- Prediction error
- When the outcome of a conditioning trial is different from that which is predicted by the conditioned stimuli that are present on the trial (i.e., when the US is surprising). Prediction error is necessary to create Pavlovian conditioning (and associative learning generally). As learning occurs over repeated conditioning trials, the conditioned stimulus increasingly predicts the unconditioned stimulus, and prediction error declines. Conditioning works to correct or reduce prediction error.
- Preoptic area
- A region in the anterior hypothalamus involved in generating and regulating male sexual behavior.
- Preparedness
- The idea that an organism’s evolutionary history can make it easy to learn a particular association. Because of preparedness, you are more likely to associate the taste of tequila, and not the circumstances surrounding drinking it, with getting sick. Similarly, humans are more likely to associate images of spiders and snakes than flowers and mushrooms with aversive outcomes like shocks.
- Prevention focus
- One of two self-regulatory orientations emphasizing safety, responsibility, and security needs, and viewing goals as “oughts.” This self-regulatory focus seeks to avoid losses (the presence of negatives) and approach non-losses (the absence of negatives).
- Priming
- A stimulus presented to a person reminds him or her about other ideas associated with the stimulus.
- Processing speed
- The time it takes individuals to perform cognitive operations (e.g., process information, react to a signal, switch attention from one task to another, find a specific target object in a complex picture).
- Progress
- The perception of reducing the discrepancy between one’s current state and one’s desired state in goal pursuit.
- Projection
- A social perceiver’s assumption that the other person wants, knows, or feels the same as the perceiver wants, know, or feels.
- Promotion focus
- One of two self-regulatory orientations emphasizing hopes, accomplishments, and advancement needs, and viewing goals as “ideals.” This self-regulatory focus seeks to approach gains (the presence of positives) and avoid non-gains (the absence of positives).
- Psychogenesis
- Developing from psychological origins.
- Psychological adaptations
- Mechanisms of the mind that evolved to solve specific problems of survival or reproduction; conceptualized as information processing devices.
- Psychological vulnerabilities
- Influences that our early experiences have on how we view the world.
- Psychometric approach
- Approach to studying intelligence that examines performance on tests of intellectual functioning.
- Psychophysics
- Study of the relationships between physical stimuli and the perception of those stimuli.
- Punisher
- A stimulus that decreases the strength of an operant behavior when it is made a consequence of the behavior.
- Quantitative genetics
- Scientific and mathematical methods for inferring genetic and environmental processes based on the degree of genetic and environmental similarity among organisms.
- Quantitative law of effect
- A mathematical rule that states that the effectiveness of a reinforcer at strengthening an operant response depends on the amount of reinforcement earned for all alternative behaviors. A reinforcer is less effective if there is a lot of reinforcement in the environment for other behaviors.
- Realism
- A point of view that emphasizes the importance of the senses in providing knowledge of the external world.
- Recall
- Type of memory task where individuals are asked to remember previously learned information without the help of external cues.
- Recoding
- The ubiquitous process during learning of taking information in one form and converting it to another form, usually one more easily remembered.
- Recognition
- Type of memory task where individuals are asked to remember previously learned information with the assistance of cues.
- Reinforced response
- Following the process of operant conditioning, the strengthening of a response following either the delivery of a desired consequence (positive reinforcement) or escape from an aversive consequence.
- Reinforcer
- Any consequence of a behavior that strengthens the behavior or increases the likelihood that it will be performed it again.
- Reinforcer devaluation effect
- The finding that an animal will stop performing an instrumental response that once led to a reinforcer if the reinforcer is separately made aversive or undesirable.
- Remote associations
- Associations between words or concepts that are semantically distant and thus relatively unusual or original.
- Renewal effect
- Recovery of an extinguished response that occurs when the context is changed after extinction. Especially strong when the change of context involves return to the context in which conditioning originally occurred. Can occur after extinction in either classical or instrumental conditioning.
- Resting membrane potential
- The voltage inside the cell relative to the voltage outside the cell while the cell is a rest (approximately -70 mV).
- Retrieval
- The process of accessing stored information.
- Retroactive interference
- The phenomenon whereby events that occur after some particular event of interest will usually cause forgetting of the original event.
- Reward value
- A neuropsychological measure of an outcome’s affective importance to an organism.
- SAD performance only
- Social anxiety disorder which is limited to certain situations that the sufferer perceives as requiring some type of performance.
- Sagittal plane
- A slice that runs vertically from front to back; slices of brain in this plane divide the left and right side of the brain; this plane is similar to slicing a baked potato lengthwise.
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
- The hypothesis that the language that people use determines their thoughts.
- Satiation
- The state of being full to satisfaction and no longer desiring to take on more.
- Schemas
- The gender categories into which, according to gender schema theory, children actively organize others’ behavior, activities, and attributes.
- Scientist-practitioner model
- A model of training of professional psychologists that emphasizes the development of both research and clinical skills.
- Self-control
- The capacity to control impulses, emotions, desires, and actions in order to resist a temptation and adhere to a valued goal.
- Self-efficacy
- The belief that you are able to effectively perform the tasks needed to attain a valued goal.
- Self-perceptions of aging
- An individual’s perceptions of their own aging process; positive perceptions of aging have been shown to be associated with greater longevity and health.
- Self-regulation
- The processes through which individuals alter their emotions, desires, and actions in the course of pursuing a goal.
- Self-regulation
- The complex process through which people control their thoughts, emotions, and actions.
- Self-report measure
- A type of questionnaire in which participants answer questions whose answers correspond to numerical values that can be added to create an overall index of some construct.
- Semantic memory
- The more or less permanent store of knowledge that people have.
- Sex
- Biological category of male or female as defined by physical differences in genetic composition and in reproductive anatomy and function.
- Sexual harassment
- A form of gender discrimination based on unwanted treatment related to sexual behaviors or appearance.
- Sexual orientation
- Refers to the direction of emotional and erotic attraction toward members of the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes.
- Sexual selection
- The evolution of characteristics because of the mating advantage they give organisms.
- Sexual strategies theory
- A comprehensive evolutionary theory of human mating that defines the menu of mating strategies humans pursue (e.g., short-term casual sex, long-term committed mating), the adaptive problems women and men face when pursuing these strategies, and the evolved solutions to these mating problems.
- Simulation
- The process of representing the other person’s mental state.
- Situation model
- A mental representation of an event, object, or situation constructed at the time of comprehending a linguistic description.
- Society refers to a system of relationships between individuals and groups of individuals; culture refers to the meaning and information afforded to that system that is transmitted across generations. Thus, the social and cultural functions of emotion refer to the effects that emotions have on the functioning and maintenance of societies and cultures.
- A condition marked by acute fear of social situations which lead to worry and diminished day to day functioning.
- The set of neuroanatomical structures that allows us to understand the actions and intentions of other people.
- The hypothesis that the human brain has evolved, so that humans can maintain larger ingroups.
- This theory of how children form their own gender roles argues that gender roles are learned through reinforcement, punishment, and modeling.
- The theory that people can learn new responses and behaviors by observing the behavior of others.
- Authorities that are the targets for observation and who model behaviors.
- Network of people with whom an individual is closely connected; social networks provide emotional, informational, and material support and offer opportunities for social engagement.
- Networks of social relationships among individuals through which information can travel.
- This refers to the process whereby individuals look for information from others to clarify a situation, and then use that information to act. Thus, individuals will often use the emotional expressions of others as a source of information to make decisions about their own behavior.
- Socioemotional Selectivity Theory
- Theory proposed to explain the reduction of social partners in older adulthood; posits that older adults focus on meeting emotional over information-gathering goals, and adaptively select social partners who meet this need.
- Sodium-potassium pump
- An ion channel that uses the neuron’s energy (adenosine triphosphate, ATP) to pump three Na+ ions outside the cell in exchange for bringing two K+ ions inside the cell.
- Soma
- Cell body of a neuron that contains the nucleus and genetic information, and directs protein synthesis.
- Somatogenesis
- Developing from physical/bodily origins.
- Somatosensory (body sensations) cortex
- The region of the parietal lobe responsible for bodily sensations; the somatosensory cortex has a contralateral representation of the human body.
- Spatial resolution
- A term that refers to how small the elements of an image are; high spatial resolution means the device or technique can resolve very small elements; in neuroscience it describes how small of a structure in the brain can be imaged.
- Specific vulnerabilities
- How our experiences lead us to focus and channel our anxiety.
- Spines
- Protrusions on the dendrite of a neuron that form synapses with terminal buttons of the presynaptic axon.
- Split-brain patient
- A patient who has had most or all of his or her corpus callosum severed.
- Spontaneous recovery
- Recovery of an extinguished response that occurs with the passage of time after extinction. Can occur after extinction in either classical or instrumental conditioning.
- Standardize
- Assessments that are given in the exact same manner to all people . With regards to intelligence tests standardized scores are individual scores that are computed to be referenced against normative scores for a population (see “norm”).
- Stereotype threat
- The phenomenon in which people are concerned that they will conform to a stereotype or that their performance does conform to that stereotype, especially in instances in which the stereotype is brought to their conscious awareness.
- Stimulus control
- When an operant behavior is controlled by a stimulus that precedes it.
- Storage
- The stage in the learning/memory process that bridges encoding and retrieval; the persistence of memory over time.
- Strange situation
- A laboratory task that involves briefly separating and reuniting infants and their primary caregivers as a way of studying individual differences in attachment behavior.
- Structuralism
- A school of American psychology that sought to describe the elements of conscious experience.
- Subcortical
- Structures that lie beneath the cerebral cortex, but above the brain stem.
- Subjective age
- A multidimensional construct that indicates how old (or young) a person feels and into which age group a person categorizes him- or herself
- Subjective well-being
- The name that scientists give to happiness—thinking and feeling that our lives are going very well.
- Subjective well-being scales
- Self-report surveys or questionnaires in which participants indicate their levels of subjective well-being, by responding to items with a number that indicates how well off they feel.
- Successful aging
- Includes three components: avoiding disease, maintaining high levels of cognitive and physical functioning, and having an actively engaged lifestyle.
- Sulci
- (plural) Grooves separating folds of the cortex.
- Sulcus
- A groove separating folds of the cortex.
- Supernatural
- Developing from origins beyond the visible observable universe.
- Synapse
- Junction between the presynaptic terminal button of one neuron and the dendrite, axon, or soma of another postsynaptic neuron.
- Synaptic gap
- Also known as the synaptic cleft; the small space between the presynaptic terminal button and the postsynaptic dendritic spine, axon, or soma.
- Synaptic vesicles
- Groups of neurotransmitters packaged together and located within the terminal button.
- Synchrony
- Two people displaying the same behaviors or having the same internal states (typically because of mutual mimicry).
- Syndrome
- Involving a particular group of signs and symptoms.
- Syntax
- Rules by which words are strung together to form sentences.
- System 1
- Our intuitive decision-making system, which is typically fast, automatic, effortless, implicit, and emotional.
- System 2
- Our more deliberative decision-making system, which is slower, conscious, effortful, explicit, and logical.
- Systematic observation
- The careful observation of the natural world with the aim of better understanding it. Observations provide the basic data that allow scientists to track, tally, or otherwise organize information about the natural world.
- Task-specific measures of self-efficacy
- Measures that ask about self-efficacy beliefs for a particular task (e.g., athletic self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy).
- Taste aversion learning
- The phenomenon in which a taste is paired with sickness, and this causes the organism to reject—and dislike—that taste in the future.
- Temporal lobe
- The part of the cerebrum in front of (anterior to) the occipital lobe and below the lateral fissure; involved in vision, auditory processing, memory, and integrating vision and audition.
- Temporal resolution
- A term that refers to how small a unit of time can be measured; high temporal resolution means capable of resolving very small units of time; in neuroscience it describes how precisely in time a process can be measured in the brain.
- The part of the end of the axon that form synapses with postsynaptic dendrite, axon, or soma.
- Tertiary education
- Education or training beyond secondary school, usually taking place in a college, university, or vocational training program.
- Theories
- Groups of closely related phenomena or observations.
- Theory of mind
- The human capacity to understand minds, a capacity that is made up of a collection of concepts (e.g., agent, intentionality) and processes (e.g., goal detection, imitation, empathy, perspective taking).
- Third-person perspective
- Observations made by individuals in a way that can be independently confirmed by other individuals so as to lead to general, objective understanding. With respect to consciousness, third-person perspectives make use of behavioral and neural measures related to conscious experiences.
- Thought-action fusion
- The tendency to overestimate the relationship between a thought and an action, such that one mistakenly believes a “bad” thought is the equivalent of a “bad” action.
- Threshold of excitation
- Specific membrane potential that the neuron must reach to initiate an action potential.
- Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
- The inability to pull a word from memory even though there is the sensation that that word is available.
- “Top-down” or internal causes of happiness
- The person’s outlook and habitual response tendencies that influence their happiness—for example, their temperament or optimistic outlook on life.
- “Traitement moral” (moral treatment)
- A therapeutic regimen of improved nutrition, living conditions, and rewards for productive behavior that has been attributed to Philippe Pinel during the French Revolution, when he released mentally ill patients from their restraints and treated them with compassion and dignity rather than with contempt and denigration.
- Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
- A neuroscience technique that passes mild electrical current directly through a brain area by placing small electrodes on the skull.
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
- A neuroscience technique whereby a brief magnetic pulse is applied to the head that temporarily induces a weak electrical current that interferes with ongoing activity.
- Transgender
- A term used to describe individuals whose gender does not match their biological sex.
- Transverse plane
- See “horizontal plane.”
- Trephination
- The drilling of a hole in the skull, presumably as a way of treating psychological disorders.
- Twin studies
- A behavior genetic research method that involves comparison of the similarity of identical (monozygotic; MZ) and fraternal (dizygotic; DZ) twins.
- Unconditioned response (UR)
- In classical conditioning, an innate response that is elicited by a stimulus before (or in the absence of) conditioning.
- Unconditioned stimulus (US)
- In classical conditioning, the stimulus that elicits the response before conditioning occurs.
- Unusual uses
- A test of divergent thinking that asks participants to find many uses for commonplace objects, such as a brick or paperclip.
- Vagus nerve
- The 10th cranial nerve. The mammalian vagus has an older unmyelinated branch which originates in the dorsal motor complex and a more recently evolved, myelinated branch, with origins in the ventral vagal complex including the nucleus ambiguous. The vagus is the primary source of autonomic-parasympathetic regulation for various internal organs, including the heart, lungs and other parts of the viscera. The vagus nerve is primarily sensory (afferent), transmitting abundant visceral input to the central nervous system.
- Vasopressin
- A nine amino acid mammalian neuropeptide. Vasopressin is synthesized primarily in the brain, but also may be made in other tissues. Vasopressin is best known for its effects on the cardiovascular system (increasing blood pressure) and also the kidneys (causing water retention). Vasopressin has effects on brain tissue, but also acts throughout the body.
- Verbal persuasion
- When trusted people (friends, family, experts) influence your self-efficacy for better or worse by either encouraging or discouraging you about your ability to succeed.
- Vicarious performances
- When seeing other people succeed or fail leads to changes in self-efficacy.
- Vicarious reinforcement
- Learning that occurs by observing the reinforcement or punishment of another person.
- Visual hemifield
- The half of visual space (what we see) on one side of fixation (where we are looking); the left hemisphere is responsible for the right visual hemifield, and the right hemisphere is responsible for the left visual hemifield.
- Visual perspective taking
- Can refer to visual perspective taking (perceiving something from another person’s spatial vantage point) or more generally to effortful mental state inference (trying to infer the other person’s thoughts, desires, emotions).
- White coat hypertension
- A phenomenon in which patients exhibit elevated blood pressure in the hospital or doctor’s office but not in their everyday lives.
- White matter
- The inner whitish regions of the cerebrum comprised of the myelinated axons of neurons in the cerebral cortex.
- Working memory
- Memory system that allows for information to be simultaneously stored and utilized or manipulated.